Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Juventus Tim Website In Indonesia

Haii gay. for All of you Juventini, it's good news, Juventus have website in Indonesian language. the website address is So for you All Juventini, keep your update information by visiting

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Link-2 has already to use

after passing difficult proses to make the second link that we call link-2, finally it's can be upload for you all. I hope this link (link-2) useful for you all. thank to all my friend whose give me an inspiration in making this link. I wait your comment to improve my next link or next post. thank,s all.


Minggu, 13 September 2009

10 friend Link-1

Are you blog walking? Here my link-1 that you can use to fine out other blog.
It's easiest to connect with another bloger. By clicking this link, you will open 10 blog address. So you don't need to open your friend blog one by one.
I hope this link can help you to fine out your new or old friend blog. Good luck


selamat ber-blog ria! Wassalam!